The players on the Ambassador Team are not just competitors; they are people working on the sport’s local, regional, and country-level growth. They are actively running tournaments, teaching clinics, and doing other activities to help develop the sport in their way.
We are super excited to thave these players represent the 2025 Ambassador Team:
Mike Conlee, Leiv Aspén, Brad Boehmer, Sami Hyvönen, Wolfgang Kraus, Patrik Martinsson, Brandon Redmond, Raimo Kimmel, Marijan Krištofic, Brett Hanna, Cameron J. Harbachuk, Philip Østerby Kristoffersen, and introducing Andrea Chimirri and Victor Nyhuus.
This is our largest team with many familiar faces. New to the team this year are Andrea Chimirri and Victor Nyhuus. They are well-known representatives in their home countries of Italy and Sweden. We're chuffed that they will now be a part of the Latitude family.
"I am very proud to be a member of the best team in the world. It will be an exciting season and I will do my best to spread this wonderful sport!" - Andrea Chimirri
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